Complete This Form To Request Your FREE Medicare Buyer’s Guide!

Our local, licensed Medicare Agents can answer all of your Medicare questions. Give us a call today or simply fill out the form below to request more information.

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Could you be getting more benefits for less money from your Medicare Advantage plan?

Get our FREE Medicare Buyer’s Guide.

You can expect your free information to arrive in October — no obligation.

Quality service. Local, personalized care. Top-notch support.
As the only local, not-for-profit Medicare Advantage plan in the state, our plans were created by top Connecticut doctors to connect you to the best possible care.

More teamwork between your doctors and your health plan.

Easier sharing of information between your doctors.

Doctors take the lead, so nothing gets in the way of your care.

At CarePartners of Connecticut, we’re here to help every step of the way.

You owe it to yourself to choose the only not-for-profit Medicare Advantage plan in Connecticut that provides local, personalized care. Contact us today or talk to your insurance agent or broker.

1-844-399-7463 (TTY: 711)